NEBOSH IGC Exam Step by Step

One of the most frequently asked questions by those interested in the NEBOSH IGC course is, "What does the exam look like?" I will do my best to explain this in the article below.

NEBOSH IGC Exam Components (IG1 and IG2)

The NEBOSH exam is divided into two parts. The first part, IG1, is conducted as an "open book examination" (OBE). This means you are not required to memorize the training material. Instead, during the exam, you are allowed to use your notes, the materials provided during the course, or any books. This exam evaluates your ability to extract and apply relevant knowledge effectively and to organize this information to address the questions posed.

Exam Location

Do I need to travel to a NEBOSH centre to take the exam? Fortunately, the answer is no. The OBE can be taken from any location worldwide, provided you have reliable access to a computer and the internet. It is also advisable to prepare a quiet space free from distractions on the day of the exam. Having some snacks and a bottle of water nearby could also help you stay focused without needing to take breaks.

OBE Exam Day

On the designated exam day, at 11:00 UK time, you will receive access to the exam through a dedicated online platform provided by NEBOSH. You will find a scenario and a set of questions there. You then have 24 hours to complete and submit your responses via the platform. It is crucial that your work is independent; during the exam, you are not permitted to contact your tutor or other course participants, except for technical issues (e.g., login problems or uploading difficulties).


Is That the End of the OBE?

Not exactly. After the written exam, you must participate in a short, 15-minute Closing Interview. Although it may sound daunting, there's no need for concern. The purpose of this interview is to confirm that the work you submitted is indeed your own and that you completed it without external assistance. The interviewer will ask you questions related to your submitted assessment. While the interview itself is not graded, it is a requisite step before the announcement of results. NEBOSH website (link)

The Second Exam: IG2 Risk Assessment

Unlike the OBE, the IG2 is a practical assessment where you are tasked with conducting a comprehensive risk assessment in your workplace. This assessment aims to apply practically the knowledge and understanding you've gained from your studies. The risk assessment must be carried out at your own workplace, ensuring it is realistic and adds value both to you and your organisation. If your workplace does not offer a wide enough range of hazards, please discuss alternative arrangements with your tutor.

More information you can find on the NEBOSH website (link)

Submission of IG2

According to the syllabus, the time needed to complete the assessment is about 3 hours. This time frame is only a recommendation; you can adjust it based on your needs. It's essential to discuss your approach to the assessment with your tutor, who can provide feedback on whether your chosen workplace or scenario is suitable for the assessment. Do not submit draft versions of your work to your tutor as they are not permitted to provide detailed pre-marking comments.

What Happens Next?

After completing both parts of the NEBOSH exam, the results will be issued within 50 working days.
Remember, your submissions for both IG1 and IG2 must be entirely your own work. Submitting work that is not your own is considered malpractice, and NEBOSH may impose severe penalties as outlined in their Malpractice Policy.

If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out at We are eager to assist you with any concerns.

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