Risk assessment - training
Risk assessment in the workplace (stages of risk assessment)
Risk Assessment is a core stone of risk management.
A robust risk management system is vital to all business success. Proactive risk management reduces injuries if control measures reduce risk as low as reasonably practicable. Effective risk management based on assessment and proactive control measures, safety training and implementation of standards and policies influences safety performance. Without measuring the lowered risk of a mitigation option, no enlightened decisions can be made. A cornerstone in risk management is risk analysis. Without identifying hazards, we cannot prevent them.
What are the benefits of Risk Assessment training:
- Robust risk management system is vital to all business success. Operational Risk Assessment (not to be confused with Polish ‘Ocena Ryzyka Zawodowa’) will significantly improve the risk management component of your organization. A cornerstone in risk management is risk analysis.
Participants ill be able to translate the knowledge gained from the training into practical application of conducting operational risk assessment at the workplace. - Based on the knowledge gained from the training, employees will be able to identify hazards associated with nature of their activities.
After the training, participants will be able to eliminate some of the hazards and reduce the risk to the acceptable level.
- On the basis of developed standards of risk assessment also your contractors / subcontractors will be able to assess, estimate and reduce risks of performed works
- We will show how risk assessment has been recognized as one of the most excellent risk management tools and how it can help your company create an accident-free workplace
- Practical application of the risk assessment in your organization will identify elements of your management system that need to be addressed in terms of improving safety, as well as showing which systems are functioning at the appropriate level
- As a proactive component of a safety management system, risk assessment can become an integral part of an organization and make a significant contribution to preventing accidents, reducing inadequate financial expenditures, increasing work efficiency
- Based on the risk assessment and its findings, top management will have deep insight into the risks and hazards faced by production, line, field and other employees
- Top management will have a broad view of how risky and dangerous work is being done in the organization's business area
During the training you will learn about issues such as:
What is an Operational Risk Assessment
- Introduce, explain and compare the basic concepts of hazard identification and risk assessment based on industry best standards and international practices
- Hazard identification tools
- Introducing Risk Assessment into a company's life, strategy and routine - who, when, where and how?
- Based on information from participants, different types of Risk Assessments will be developed and presented for specific tasks and types of organizations
Types of Risk Assessment (JHA/ JSA, HAZID, LMRA)
Explain the basic definitions of Hazard and Risk:
- Knowledge of hazard identification: PEME method, ABBI, FIAT and etc.
- Explanation of the hierarchy of control measures and stop work authority
- Hazard identification tools and practices, probability and consequence of events
Stages of Risk Assessment (practical exercises)
- Develop and train key hazard identification techniques and skills
- Develop a properly defined Risk Assessment (QRA) in a form for implementation in the organization
Risk reduction using ERICPD, TILE, VICES methodologies
- Hierarchy of controls (types and which one to choose)
- Practical examples
- Key principles in creating a proper risk assessment
- Risk calculation: acceptable risk, tolerable risk, ALARP
- How to implement and how to teach our employees and management