Safety Climate Survey

The Safety Climate survey is a tool that shows how safety is perceived by employees and gives a clear picture of the effectiveness of activities in our company.

This tool has been carefully designed by scientists, practitioners, coaches, and psychologists to assess the attitudes of individuals in the organization toward issues related to health and safety.

The Survey

The Safety Climate Survey is a tool. It allows you to determine the current attitudes of employees. It illustrates how employees see and evaluate the safety management system. It also shows employees' views on working conditions, communication, and recognition, as well as leadership and the company's overall approach to safety and health.

All employees of the organization participate in the survey. Both managers and employees in the workplace. The survey consists of completing a questionnaire. Most of the questions are closed questions.

Survey Outcomes

Badanie postaw i postrzegania kwestii bezpieczeństwa przez pracowników umożliwia:

  • Verify the effectiveness of various programs, campaigns, or initiatives: before and after implementation.

  • Engage employees in the study, where we show the importance of safety topics.

  • Collect feedback from employees.

  • Compare results between departments, and groups of employees of different levels, ages, seniority, and even gender.

  • Indicate the direction of safety culture development.

Survey data is subject to the analysis process. A report summarizing the results obtained is prepared and, in the selected option, recommendations are developed to determine further steps.


The Safety Climate Survey begins with a fully anonymous survey* that includes:

  • 16 closed questions,

  • 2 open-ended questions tailored to the client's needs.

*The proposed offers include an online survey, but it is also possible to use paper surveys after consulting with NEW HSE.


  1. Management, Commitment, and Support

  2. Risk Perception and Acceptance

  3. Adequacy and Use of Health and Safety Procedures

  4. Communication

  5. Peer Pressure and Awareness

  6. Motivation and Growth

  7. Incident Prevention and Reporting

  8. Working Conditions & Resources for Safety


Each category has designated two closed questions. Respondents answer questions using a Likert scale (1 to 5).

In addition, the survey includes two open-ended questions. We will adapt them individually to the client's needs. Open questions may relate to issues related to accidents or employee suggestions or other*The content of the questions is made available after signing the contract.

*Treść pytań udostępniona zostaje po podpisaniu umowy.


The survey is 100% anonymous and takes about 5 minutes to complete.

The survey also predicts demographic data such as:
  • Age
  • Internship
  • Position

Demographic data can be adapted to the requirements and specifics of the client's plant.

*70% of respondents should participate in the survey to maintain statistical reliability

Survey results

Aggregation of the Safety Climate results is done using the NEW HSE tools. The concept of aggregation of results is based on the quantitative measurement of 8 characteristics related to perceived safety in the company. The measurement of these characteristics is embedded in Classical Test Theory - KTT (Gulliksen, 1950 Lord, and Novick, 1968). This theory is the most common basis for the construction of modern psychometric tests that measure opinions, attitudes, personality traits, intentions, and actual behaviours.

Data Examples

Choose your option

PDF Presentation containing:
Average Score for the entire surveyed group in the organization
The number of completed surveys vs the number of invited employees
The average score for each of the 8 categories separately, taking into account the entire population
The average score for 16 questions for the entire surveyed population of employees
The average score for each group of employees in terms of 8 categories
The average score for each group of employees for 16 questions
The highest and lowest results in terms of employee groups with interpretation

without interpretation
Results for two open-ended questions with their interpretation, visualization, and recommendations

open questions are tailored to the client's needs

without interpretation
Indication and interpretation of related values in different demographic groups (low, medium, high scores)
Indication of probable reasons for specific results or links between results
Recommendations for significant results including linking open and closed questions
Indication of correlations between selected questions along with their interpretation

Correlations allow you to identify questions that interact with each other.

1h summary meeting with the presentation and discussion of the results

Price list

PLN27 /osobę
+ 23% Vat
wycena dla grupy od 500 do 1500 pracowników ( w przypadku innej liczby pracowników, wycena indywidualna)
  • Handing over the survey with a license
  • Data collection and aggregation
  • Preparation and issuing of a report in PDF format
PLN47 /osobę
+23% VAT
wycena dla grupy od 500 do 1500 pracowników ( w przypadku innej liczby pracowników, wycena indywidualna)
  • Handing over the survey with a license
  • Data collection and aggregation
  • Interpretation of results
  • Recommendations for the obtained results
  • Preparation and issuing of a report in PDF format
PLN67 /osobę
+23% VAT
wycena dla grupy od 300 do 1500 pracowników ( w przypadku innej liczby pracowników, wycena indywidualna)
  • Handing over the survey with a license
  • Data collection and aggregation
  • Interpretation of results
  • Recommendations for the obtained results
  • Indication of correlations between selected questions along with their interpretation
  • Preparation and issuing of a report in PDF format
  • 1h summary meeting with the presentation and discussion of the results


1. What is a Safety climate survey?

The Safety Climate Survey is a tool to determine current attitudes and employees' perceptions of aspects related to safety management systems, jobs, conditions, and other SMS elements such as communication and recognition for safe work 

You can read more on our blog:

2. What does the tool consist of?

The tool consists of a specially prepared form, 16 closed questions in 8 main categories. In addition to the 16 basic closed questions, each respondent receives two open questions in which they can express their improvement suggestions.

3. What is the goal of the climate survey?

It enables the identification of areas requiring improvement in the safety management system. It is an excellent tool for diagnosing in which areas of our organization it is necessary to implement corrective and remedial actions in order to improve conditions, satisfaction, safety, communication or work efficiency.

4. Does my company need to host a server or website?

No, the Climate Survey is done by NEW HSE, providing the client with a link to the website. The client also receives a special password for his organization. The client is responsible for resending the link inside his organization.

5. Do employees need to be informed before completing the survey what is a climate study?

Of course! New HSE is encouraging clients to familiarize employees with what they will take part in, what the process looks like and why they will be asked to complete the surveys. NEW HSE can conduct communication training intended on how to properly prepare employees for a security climate examination.

6. Does NEW HSE collect employee-sensitive data?

No, New HSE does not collect any sensitive data, name, surname, address, or email address. In addition, the IP tracking function has also been disabled to minimize the possibility of determining who completed a specific survey. 100% Anonymity is one of the priorities during the New HSE survey!

7. Does every employee get the same form?

Yes, each employee fills out exactly the same form. The structure of the questions does not change.

8. Can we change the survey questions?

Closed questions cannot be changed as they have been verified and tested for reliability and standard deviations. Open questions can be changed.

9. How long survey will last? How long will we wait for the report?

Depending on the group of surveyed employees. The time for collecting the survey forms can be from a week to even a month. Then, it takes about two weeks to create a report.

10. Do we become the owners of questions by buying one of the packages?

No. By purchasing packages, questions are made available to the client, but they do not become his property. The customer is obliged to sign a license agreement with NEW HSE, which prohibits further dissemination of the tool, questions, information from the report, graphics, methods of obtaining results, formulas, descriptions, and others specified in the agreement.

11. In what format will we receive the report?

The client receives a report in PDF format.

12. Is it possible to consult before choosing an option?

Yes. For consultations, please contact our team:

13. What are correlations?

Correlations allow identifying questions that interact with each other. Correlation analysis in statistics consists in examining whether two variables are statistically significantly related. In other words, it checks whether any two features, attributes, or properties (expressed numerically) coexist with each other.


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