OH&S - Kultura Bezpieczeństwa Pracy Szkolenie
One of the most popular definitions of Workplace Safety Culture, developed by the British Health and Safety Executive (HSE), states"The safety culture of an organization is the product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behavior that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of, an organization's health and safety management"
Creating a Safety Culture requires building new habits, new norms and values with cooperation and communication of all company members. The main goal of these activities is elimination of any potential hazards and a focus on prevention and proactivity. One of the main tools to start developing a safety culture is to identify the current state of the safety culture. Most research tend to concentrate on the way people think (i.e. attitudes, perceptions, beliefs) about facets of safety, through measures of safety climate.

''Health and safety are essential components of business. Boards need people with the passion and energy to make sure these issues remain at the heart of the organisation''
Quotes from security team leaders
and occupational health and safety from the public and private sectors.
Strong safety culture in the company is characterised by a sense of personal responsibility of each employee in safety issues, manifested in daily work. Employees at their workstations should adopt an attitude of active and continuous concern for the safety of themselves and others, they are personally involved in the process of identifying risks and preventive behavior in the workplace in order to take corrective action.
Management engagement is a key factor influencing the safety culture within an organization. The involvement of top managers in safety issues can significantly impact employee engagement and the effectiveness of various initiatives. Setting a good example is one of the most important ways in which management can visibly demonstrate their commitment to safety matters.
The main objective of the course is to increase managers' awareness of the role of leadership in safety in daily operations and decision-making. The course emphasizes the need to treat safety with equal importance as other business priorities, as a fundamental strategy for organizational safety and excellence. Upon completion of the course, each participant should have a clear understanding of the importance of safety leadership and the ability to engage others in achieving outstanding performance.
If you are interested in the training offer, please contact our office at biuro@newhse.pl